In one of his visitations,Jesus said to me, "Deny yourself, take your cross, and follow me."

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A 21-Day Spiritual Journey

Hearing the Voice of God

by ‘Yinka Vidal, author, Closer Walk With Thee

Day 5, Friday December 5, 2008

Prior to going to sleep on Thursday, I received a divine message to place this phrase, "My Conversations With God," in bold red letters in front of my book cover. I received this message a couple of times on Thursday. Since the message was so intense, prior to going to bed, I wrote myself a note in my personal envelope, so I would not forget. I placed this on my nightstand. When I got up this morning, I prayed in the bedroom. My routine is to pray in the living room, my regular prayer of thanks before jogging. However, this morning before doing my praise the Lord prayer, I went to the kitchen to wash my lettuce and strawberry for my dinner at work. While I was doing this, a divine Voice said, "Somebody is waiting for you in the living room."

I responded to the Voice saying, "The person just have to wait till I finish washing these vegetables."

Another Voice cautions me saying, "You don’t want to be responding to God this way."

Immediately, I said within me, "I’m sorry."

At that moment, I knew the first Voice was that of Jesus, and the second Voice was that of the Holy Spirit. At least this was the best way I could explain these Voices that were very soothing, kind, and friendly. I knew the two Voices carried distinctive spiritual energies.

Quickly, I went to my living room and did my praise the Lord morning prayer of thanks. I did not see anybody sitting in the living room with my naked eyes. However, I have the perception that there were spiritual beings of angels in the living room. In the past, I have had conversations with them. Before going to bed on Thursday night when I received the message to place a phrase in front of my book cover, I got scared because I felt the energy of divine spirits in my living room. I hate to say this, sometimes; I still tremble at the presence of angelic beings. I’m presently working on this. I feel a little ashamed because I should have gotten over this by now. So, I knew angels were around me at this time of year because I could feel their divine energies. They tend to carry very distinctive spiritual energies.

As usual, I turned on the television, and to my surprise, the channel my television was sitting from a night before was showing the program of Prophetic Whisper by Aquila Nash, the Christian talk show host. This program is one of my favorite programs on the television. Matt and Rory Crouch were being interviewed by Aquila. On this particular day on the program, they were talking about guess what, Hearing the Voice of God. At that time, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I felt the intense energy of the Holy Spirit. It was at this time I realized I was being urged to come to the living room by the angelic beings so I could see the program. I was so moved I almost started to cry. Thank God and the Holy Spirit who urged me to come to the living room. I was able to see the second half of the program since I already missed the first half. My new book, coming out in summer 2009, Closer Walk With Thee, is based on my conversations with God, the experiences of the visitations of Christ, and the messages he asked me to deliver to the world.

During the program, Matt and Rory Crouch were talking about their experiences in hearing the Voice of God. They were discussing how God led them to buying a house at the time they were not financially able to buy such a house. Aquila also joined them to confirm the experiences they were having about the way God works in the life of men. Matt said something very interesting that would have ignited a hot debate among theologians. Matt said, "I believe in the Bible, I live by the word of the Bible. But those were the histories of long time ago. I want God to speak to me today." I jumped up and just praised the Lord. For many years I have been trying to get my Baptist church members to believe that I am hearing the Voice of God. From the look on some of their faces, some believed, while others appeared skeptical. This program aired today confirmed my numerous experiences in hearing the Voices of God.

Those theologians who would argue with Matt would do so because they have not been listening and tuning to the Voice of the Holy Spirit of God. Many theologians only listen to their own voices instead of listening to the Voice of God. Some will even argue hearing the Voice of God does not exist today. They tend to rely only on their own knowledge. There is a man on the radio who claimed he had all the answers to any Bible questions. Yet, he said the gift of prophecy is not normative. Unfortunately, this man is misleading people. But, many Christians are listening and complimenting him.

Think about what these three people said about prophecy:

St. Paul says:

"Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy," – I Corinthians 14:1.

St. John says:

"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy," – Rev 19:10.

Jesus says:

"However, when he, the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will tell you things to come," – St. John 16:13.

If three divine people in the Bible said we are supposed to prophesy with the help of the Holy Spirit, and some earthly people disagree with this, who is right?

Just think about it. What is the first line of disruption between a feuding couple? When a husband and wife get in a fight, the first line of attack is either an exchange of horrible words, or severing the communication line. When they stop communicating, does this improve their relationship or make it worse? Why would Jesus stop communicating us if he wanted to improve relationship with us?

How will Jesus not continue to talk to us when he said these words?

"Teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age," – St Matthew 28:20.

"And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever. The spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither see him nor knows him. But you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will never leave you orphans, I will come to you," – St. John 14:16-18.

Jesus was saying he would abide with us (his messengers) always and he would never disconnect the communication pipeline. To confirm his assurance he said he would send a connector-messenger – the Holy Spirit, through him he would be speaking to us.

Today, hearing the Voice of God through Jesus and using the communication line of the Holy Spirit is the best thing ever happened to me in my life. He brings me joy, love, peace and serenity. I just feel sorry for those people who do not know the Lord. My new book; Closer Walk With Thee is the chronicles of my conversations with God. Contrary to many authors, I did not write this book because I wanted people to believe me. However, I want them to read the book and question my assertions. In the process of investigating the Holy Spirit, I believe they will hear the Voice of God. There is no convincing proof as a personal experience with God.

God continues to warn us, by sending us warning signs, but are we listening? People are worried about financial crisis as if money is the problem. Even some Christian television talk show hosts are doing programs teaching people how to handle money. What we are experiencing at the end of 2008 is God killing the almighty dollar. Once we experience the de-valuing of material things, hopefully this will turn us back to the real God Almighty- Amen.

Forthcoming Book: Closer Walk With Jesus by 'Yinka Vidal


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